About me

Welcome to Shangwen Wang’s (王尚文) homepage!

Currently, I am an assistant professor at National University of Defense Technology. I have obtained my bachelor degree, master degree, and doctor degree from NUDT at June 2017, December 2019, and December 2023, respectively. During my master and doctor study, I was honored to be supervised by Prof. Xiaoguang Mao. My research interests mainly focus on AI4SE, program repair, software testing, software maintenance and evolution, mining software repositories, and empirical software engineering.

From May 2022 to July 2023, I was a visiting student at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), supervised by Prof. Yepang Liu.

  • NEWS!
    • 2024.07: Our work on multi-granularity patch generation got accepted by ISSTA 2024. Congrats to Bo!
    • 2024.05: Our work on fusing code searchers finally got accepted by IEEE TSE!
    • 2024.01: Thrilled to announce that I received the Outstanding Doctoral Graduates Award of NUDT!
    • 2023.12: Invited to serve as a program committee member of CCS 2024 under the Track of Software Security.
    • 2023.11: Invited to serve as a program committee member of ICSE 2025 and ASE 2024!
    • 2023.10: Joined the PC team of SANER 2024!
    • 2023.10: Our work on dynamic inference for code completion models got accepted by the second cycle of ICSE 2024!
    • 2023.09: Invited to serve as a program committee member of EASE 2024.
    • 2023.07: Two works got accepted by ESEC/FSE 2023 after major revisions. Congratulations to all the cooperators and a big big thank you!
    • 2023.07: Invited to serve as a program committee member of ICPC 2024.
    • 2023.07: Invited to serve as a program committee member of ChinaSoft 2023 (Track: 面向复杂软件的缺陷检测与修复技术).
    • 2023.07: Our work CoCoGAN got accepted by OOPSLA 2023! This is the first OOPSLA paper in the history of NUDT!